Stroop Effect
- Stroop Test is a conflict-resolution test to
resolve conflicts between the discrepancy between
the color and meaning of a word.
- When the color and the meaning of a word is incongruent,
the brain circuit requires additional processing
to resolve the conflict.
- People often recognize the meaning of a word
much faster than color recognition.
- This results in error in recognizing the color
when the meaning of the word is in conflict wtih
the color.
- The error in recognition is due to inattention,
fatigue and impulsivity.
- To resolve the conflict, inhibition is required
to suppress the faster/stronger process of word-recognition
to allow color-recognition be processed by the
- It takes longer processing time for the brain
to resolve this color-word conflict than color-words
without conflict.
- With insufficient inhibition, it often results
in error in recognizing the color.
- Take the Stroop
Test now to see it for yourself.
Cognitive Science 101
- Under Construction
