Klallam Classified Word List
Human Relations
519. person: ʔəcɬtáyŋxʷ
520. woman: sɬániʔ
521. man: swə́y̕qaʔ
522. elder, old person: kʷɬčə́q
523. baby: ŋáʔnaʔ
523.1. child: sƛ̕íƛ̕aʔƛ̕qɬ
524. boy baby (under 8): swiqúʔiɬ
525. girl baby (under 8): ɬnaʔčúʔiɬ
526. toddler: štəŋúyɬ
527. young boy (approx. 8-13): swiʔqúʔiɬ
528. young girl (approx. 8-13): ɬnaʔčúʔiɬ
529. youth (approx. 13-marriage): swéʔwəs
530. maiden (approx. 13-marriage): q̕áʔŋi
531. bachelor: čaʔswə́y̕qaʔ
532. spinster: čaʔsɬániʔ
533. my husband: nəswə́y̕qaʔ; nəsq̕ʷúʔšən
534. my wife: nəsɬániʔ; nəsq̕ʷúʔšən
535. married couple: taʔyús
536. father: cə́t
537. parent: ʔiyáy̕əŋ
538. mother: tán
539. step-parent: sxʷsʔúk̕ʷɬ
540. grandparent: síyaʔ; séʔyaʔ
541. great-grandparent/child: č̕áʔmaʔqʷ
542. great-great-grandparent/child: háʔkʷiyaʔqʷ
543. great-great-great-grandparent/child: c̕ə́ɬp̕iyaʔqʷ
544. aunt, uncle: cáčc
545. father's brother's wife (of man): cáčc
546. father's brother's wife (of woman): cáčc
547. mother's sister (of man): cáčc
548. mother's sister (of woman): cáčc
549. mother's brother's wife (of man): cáčc
550. mother's brother's wife (of woman): cáčc
551. son, offspring: ŋə́naʔ
552. daughter, offspring: ŋə́naʔ
552.1. step-child, adopted child: sŋənáʔəŋ
553. twins: č̕iyúwi
554. brother, sister: ʔáyəs; sʔúq̕ʷaʔ
555. half-sibling: snəč̕íwəɬ
556. elder brother/sister: sxʷtúnəq
557. eldest sibling: yúƛ̕
558. younger brother/sister: saʔčúʔiɬ; saʔə́y̕čən̕
559. youngest sibling (own): ʔuʔúy̕č
560. nephew or niece (parent alive): stíkʷən; stíw̕ən
561. nephew or niece (parent dead): skʷənəŋə́čɬ
562. grandchild: ʔíŋəc
563. child niece or nephew: tkʷənúyɬ
564. in-law: sk̕ʷúwʔis; siyáʔiɬ; sxʷsčaʔčaʔ
564.1. ex-in-law: smáyəcən
565. man's sister's husband: sčutáy̕əɬ
565.1. son or daughter-in-law: sčutáy̕əɬ
565.2. sibling-in-law's spouse: snəč̕íynəq
565.3. sibling-in-law: sŋátxʷən; sxʷʔáyəs
565.4. aunt/uncle-in-law: sxʷʔiyáy̕əŋ
565.5. niece/nephew-in-law: sxʷstíkʷən
566. grand-child's spouse: sxʷʔíŋəc
567. ancestor: sčiʔúʔis; čiʔáŋən
567.1. descendant: sɬkʷsə́wəs
568. widower: syáʔtən; čaʔswə́y̕qaʔ
569. widow: syáʔtən; čaʔsɬániʔ
570. orphan, abandoned person: nəxʷskʷánŋən; skʷənəŋə́čɬ; yə́ščən
571. spouse of deceased sibling: č̕áyʔə
571.1. co-mourner: k̕ʷɬx̣ʷúʔuŋ̕
572. person of high class: siʔám̕
573. slave: sk̕ʷə́yəc
574. important person, boss, foreman: siʔám̕
575. spokesman; translator: nəxʷscáʔcqən̕
576. Indian: ʔəcɬtáyŋxʷ
577. Saanich: sxʷsánəč; ščúɬp; xʷc̕áɬəɬp
578. Songhees, Lkungen: yik̕ʷə́ŋən
579. Sooke: súʔəkʷ
580. Lummi: nəxʷyə́mi
581. Klallam: nəxʷsƛ̕áy̕əm̕
582. Cowichan: qəwʔə́čən
583. Cowichan, Songhees, Saanich language: yək̕ʷəŋéʔnəŋ
584. Interior Indians (e.g. Yakima): ɬə́q̕ətaʔ
585. West Coast Indians: ŋəcáʔiŋəxʷ; pcáyah; pcéy
586. Makah: məq̕áʔaʔ
587. Tsimshian: c̕əm̕šiʔán
588. Haida: yə́kʷɬtaʔx̣; háyta
589. European, white person: xʷanítəm
590. African, black person: wáyhi; nəxʷsq̕íx̣s
591. American, white person: pástən
592. Canadian: čtɬnáʔəč
593. Chinese: čáymən; čáyni
594. English language: xʷanitəmʔúcən; xʷanítəmqən; nəxʷpástənqən
595. Japanese: čapán; čapənís
596. different people, foreigners: nəyaʔc̕áʔuŋ̕əxʷ
597. friend: sčáʔčaʔ
598. companion: sq̕ʷúʔšən
599. bed partner: sə́naʔkʷ
600. canoe partner: sxʷq̕ʷúʔkʷɬ
601. next-door neighbor: nə́c̕əw̕txʷ
601.1. visitor: nəc̕əw̕txʷnítəŋ
602. thief: qán̕qən̕
603. tattletale; gossip: syə́cic; syaʔcícəm
604. busybody: naʔɬcúʔət
605. a gathering: ʔəsq̕ápɬ; ƛ̕áʔnəq
606. enemy: šəmán; ʔaʔtšə́nəmən
607. war: x̣íyəx̣
608. sweetheart: sƛ̕ə́kʷs; sə́yuʔ; siyáʔ
609. term of endearment, my dear: nəsxʷskʷáʔ; nəkáwaʔ; nəsxʷhiyí; nəq̕ʷc̕áyəs; nəyə́nəwəs; nəyiyə́nwəs; nəssác̕əŋ̕; nəc̕q̕ʷúʔmə; nəqʷc̕áyəsən; nəpíxʷ; nəst̕áqaʔ; nəsxʷšə́təŋ; nət̕éʔyəqʷ;
610. wedding: maliyíti
611. town: táwn; sxʷixʷimáy
612. village, tribe, community: ʔəxʷíyŋxʷ; ʔay̕xʷíyŋəxʷ
613. ancestral name: nəhíymət
613.1. any name: sná
614. present, gift: ɬə́y̕; məq̕áʔs; sʔə́ŋaʔt; sʔúŋəyu
615. language: sqʷáy; sqʷáytən